Mustafa Kemal played a minor part in the Young Turk revolution of 1908. Reform movement did not result in a Constitutional regime but in a visual military dictatorship.
Palestine went to Britain as a mandate under the League of Nations. In 70%-Arab and 36% Jewish & Christian.
Balfour Declaration
In accepting the mandate for Palestine, the British gov., in conformity with the Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised to establish a Jewish home loud and also to secure the preservation of an Arab National home, and apprentice the people of Palestine as a whole in the art of Self-government.
Winston Churchill
In 1921 British Colonial secretary turned over the administration of the land east of the Jordan River to Abdullah.
[ABDULLAH – British were indebted for help in the war against Turkey. Abdullah later became the king of Jordon. FAISAL is Abdullah’s brother with British Support acquired Iraq. ]
Churchill reduced the mandate to 1/4th of its original size. Meanwhile, Zionists in Britain and the U.S. were encouraging Jewish immigration into the Promised National Home.