Islam united the warring Arab tribes into a powerful empire. Arab Empire embraced Arabia, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, North Africa, and Spain.
The Abbasside controlled important trade routes linking the Mediterranean world with India. The Safety and security provided by the Abbasids as well as the enterprises of the Arab merchants made the define prosperous.
Gold dinar and silver dirham became the global currency of trade. This was made possible by the Arab access to African gold. The Arabs established double entry bookkeeping advanced Accountancy, large-scale and elaborate banking and credit including bills of exchange (hundis).
The Arabs emerged as one of the most advanced in scientific knowledge, administrative skills, trade, and commerce. Many Indian works dealing with Astronomy, literature, and mathematics were translated into Arabic.
Arabs made their own contributions in the field of geometry, algebra, geography, astronomy, optics, chemistry, medicine, etc. Arab traders left accounts about India.
Arab science began to decline after 12th cent due to political and economic developments affecting the area.